My name is Bennett—I’m an artist and potter currently based in Pittsburgh, PA. I’ve been in love with clay since the day I took my first pottery class in 2009, and have been fortunate to teach this wonderful craft since 2018. I currently manage Fireborn Studios, a ceramics studio and gallery located in Pittsburgh’s Southside, in addition to making and selling my own work.

With my current body of high-fire porcelain ware, I strive to create intimately functional pieces that strike a balance between liveliness and subtlety. I’ve always been attuned to the tactility of ceramics, marveling at the way its various textures invite and engage the senses. In my carving, altering, and decorating, I aim to accentuate a piece’s form and articulate its wholeness—as a visual experience, and as a material object meant to be used every day.

There is a dichotomy in our lives between the visible and the invisible, the tangible and the intangible, which preoccupies me. There are forces and dimensions—emotional, energetic, unconscious—which we cannot see with our eyes, but which influence and imbue what we create. I work to create pots that possess a quiet presence, that exude a subtle energy…that are not only functional and beautiful, but soulful as well ~

If you’re interested in a custom order, or have any questions in general, feel free to reach out via the “Contact” form in the sidebar.
